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TomCat HD Hire
The TomCat XR 40D scrubber dryer scrubs & dries floors in a single pass Powerful motors & electronic brush pressure give the XR the ability to clean floors in the harshest of environments. Ideal for concrete & painted floors in large factories, car parks & warehouses the XR can also be used on external floors.
Simple to use & operator friendly, with intuitive easily visible controls.
Simple to use, ideal for:
- Car Park Floor Cleaning
- Factory Floor Cleaning
- Warehouse Floor Cleaning
- Cleaning Concrete Floors
- Cleaning Painted Floors
- Cleaning External Floors
- Cleaning Factory Floors
- Cleaning Warehouse Floors

– Model Size

Durability & the ability to clean powerfully in the harshest of environments is built in to all Tomcat models, owners & operators will find the HD Floor Scrubber Dryer durable, highly productive simple to service & maintain. The machine is protected by steel shrouds and large polyurethane rollers to keep the unit from marking walls.
The TomCat HD is a powerful ride-on scrubber-dryer, built with heavy duty motors, components & steel chassis, giving class leading performance on all hard floors. Available in two different deck styles with a large range of tools & options for professional commercial & industrial floor cleaning.
Scrub Deck Styles
Disk: Popular in most applications where general cleaning is a concern.